Yoi Mairi Kiyomizu-Dera 清水寺 Temple in Kyoto, Special Night Opening

The Kiyomizu-dera Temple is a complex of Buddhist and Shinto temples. It lies east of the center of Kyoto. The buildings we visit today was built in 1633 but this temple was founded in 798. The temple's name comes from the waterfall that is at the foot of the main building. This water comes from the surrounding hills, Kiyoi Mizu 清い水 which means pure water or spring water. The main building of Kiyomizu-dera is one of the most famous places of Kyoto through its platform of 13 meters high. It is on a hillside and is supported by hundreds of pillars which gives an impressive view of Kyoto. There is also a three-storey pagoda and other buildings.

The site is particularly popular during festivals like Obon in mid-August because the temple has a special night opening (many other temples in the city too) and creates lighting effects on strategic locations all around the temples, tree branches ... This is what they call the Light-up. The entrance fee thanks to this event is cheaper, only 400 yen (instead of 600) and there is a special ceremony in the main enclosure. The temple opens until 21h and special evening starts at 18h. During this event, the temple gives the public access to their main statue of Kannon. The special opening in summer is called Yoi-Mairi. The temple is beautiful to see at night with special lighting. There are so many great pictures to take and tripods are allowed.

If you go to Kyoto, it is obviously one of the visits not to be missed and it seems that a drink the water from the waterfall of this temple brings health, longevity and success in studies.

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