Dagashi - Pokemon drink ポケモン

At the supermarket, we found a drink that we thought it could be funny, the Dagashi Pokemon tricolor drink. It costs about 300 yen.

It comes in 2 versions one blue/purple and one pink/fuchsia. In the bag, there are 2 bags of powder numbered 1 and 2 and a Pokemon cup. For the tricolor layers, that is simply, pour into the cup until the first mark the bag 1, put water and mix well. Then pour the bag 2 then the water up to the second marker. And finally wait until the reaction takes place and so see the 3rd layer of colored foam forming. Thus you will get a tricolor drink hyper chemical taste and sweet that Japanese kids love.

Then the cup is very nice, the mixture takes colors that are nice to see but the taste is not very good. We tested for the cup but also because the colors and it was fun. But I do not think there will be a second purchase :)

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