White Strawberry Test

In this video, we tried a box strawberries coated in white chocolate. The box has the same packaging as the ice cream one. Strawberries are packed in a single package. One box contains about 10 strawberries.

For fans of strawberries, they are very good (with a touch of tart) even if they are dehydrated strawberries. White chocolate is not bad either. In addition, the coating is not superficial, the chocolate layer is fairly consistent (2 mm which is not bad).

We bought this in box in a shop named Don Quiijote in Shinjuku (Higashi-Guchi) ドン・キホーテ 新宿東口本店, the 90g box has cost around 385 yen. We have also seen it in Muji in bags of 50g but more expensive :)

For what it costs, let you be tempted ;p

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